Proper nutrition is absolutely necessary if you want to have a good quality of life.
But eating healthy is challenging for many people, for many reasons.
I’d like to share with you a few ways to help you stay motivated not only to BE healthy, but to REMAIN healthy.
Define WHY You Have The Desire To Be Healthy
I don’t know if you’ve ever read my “about” story, but I shared briefly the fact that my mother, maternal grandmother, and aunt (my mom’s sister) all died unfortunate and (in my opinion) untimely deaths due to health challenges.
Sad part is, they were health challenges that were common among each of them: diabetes, renal (kidney) failure and, for my mom, liver damage due to her many years of excessive alcohol & drug use.
That was enough to cause me to want to do better for myself AND my children. I didn’t want the same, “generational diseases” passing down… I wanted to break the cycle.
That, in part, is my “why” for desiring to be healthier. I’m not perfect by any stretch but, thankfully, I’ve been able to do better – even if just a little bit.
So that, my friend, is what YOU have to dig deep and find for yourself.
Why do you feel the need to be & remain healthy?
Is it to be around to see your children and grandchildren grow up and actually BE a part of their lives?
Is it so that you don’t end up like many others in YOUR family… suffering and debilitated?
Figure that out and you’ll be well on your way to doing what it takes to make strides to a healthier life!
Know What You Like & Keep Plenty Of It On Deck
If it’s not there, you can’t eat it.
That goes for both healthy & unhealthy foods alike… if you have plenty of unhealthy foods in your home at all times, guess what? That’s what you’re going to consume the most of.
If you have less of those things and plenty more of the healthy foods you like and/or love, then THAT is what you’ll consume the most of.
Being healthy should be a lifestyle, but not a burden. I don’t deprive or deny myself anything HOWEVER…
I choose to buy, stock, and eat MORE of the healthy stuff and save the little unhealthy “treats” for weekends or something like that… not every day.
But you have to know yourself because, like other addictions… there may be some foods that you simply shouldn’t even go there with… only YOU know what those are, so act accordingly!
Plan & Schedule Your Meals
An excellent tip for eating healthier is to plan your week’s worth of meals, shop for them, and even better… prep them ahead of time so you NEVER have to guess what to eat.
You can also benefit from setting times during your day when you will consume your meals and eat at or at least around the same time each day.
This will allow your body to adapt to a schedule and you know when you will be feeling hungry so you won’t find yourself in a situation where you only have junk food as an option.
Fill In The Gaps
A multivitamin is a very important addition to your diet.
It’s a nice concept & idea to get most of your vitamins from fresh food, but not always a feasible one, ESPECIALLY if you’re a picky eater!
Taking a multivitamin will ensure that you aren’t missing out on any important nutrients your body needs.
I recommend taking a liquid supplement, as pills are often made with fillers and aren’t easily broken down and digested by the body.
The one my family and I take is pretty good, you can click here to look into it further.
In Closing…
Nutrition can be a very complex subject, but it doesn’t have to be complicated or something you have to overthink.
It takes discipline and knowing yourself, as well as what your limitations are or should be, to adhere to a healthy, nutritious diet.
After reading through this article you should be more informed and well on your way to achieving proper health.