Inside: How on earth can you eat vegetables when you HATE them? This article will give you some surefire ways to get ’em in, even if you think you can’t!
Vegetables… YUCK!
Most times kids are the ones who feel that way, but some adults feel that way too. I know, I used to be one of ’em and I assume you are too.
I hated (most) vegetables as a kid and well into my adult years.
Yeah, I ate corn, the occasional carrot, and “salad” made with iceberg lettuce and French dressing – but not much else.
But I’ve grown to love quite a few vegetables I used to hate, although there are still some I won’t eat – squash being one of them; but I definitely eat more veggies than I used to.
I’d like to help you do the same.
How To Eat Vegetables When You Hate Them…

1. Make a list of any and all vegetables you DO like.
I don’t care if you like them “only a certain way” or “only in certain things”.
Even if it’s a small list or it’s something you deem not all that significant (e.g. iceberg lettuce); write down any and all vegetables you like, as well as the stipulations you have for eating them. (Ex: must be on a pizza, only on a burger, etc)
2. Make a list of the vegetables you’ve TRIED, but hate.
You might say, “I hate ___”, but if you’ve never even tasted it, it doesn’t count. Only list the ones you’ve actually tasted before.
Once you’ve made that list, think back to when you tried it.
-What didn’t you like about it? Too mushy? Too bland? Was it bitter?
-Who prepared it?
–How it was prepared? Steamed? Boiled? Raw?
3. Try the vegetables prepared differently.
If you find that when you tried broccoli or spinach that they were too mushy, try lightly steaming, roasting or even eating raw.
Personally, I’ve found that I like broccoli (something I HATED as a kid) when it’s sautéed in a pan with butter, garlic powder, a little soy sauce, sea salt, and pepper or… tossed with the aforementioned ingredients, but roasted in the oven on a baking sheet. Mmmm!
So, try a different method of preparation and you may find one you like or even… *gulp*… love!
4. Try them fresh.
As a kid, my mom made a lot of canned veggies. Some were fine but, some were disgusting.
Perhaps it’s the mushiness of cooked veggies you don’t like. I don’t care for cooked carrots, but I love them fresh. So, try eating some of the vegetables you dislike fresh and see if you find the *snap* of them more appealing.
Go to the farmers market and ask if you can sample some of their wares. Even better, grow your own or at least reach out to anyone you may know who has a garden. Fresh out the garden tastes SO much better than from the produce aisle at the grocery store.
5. Try them with a dip or sauce.
I know, I know. Some folks have probably told you, “Don’t drown your vegetables in that! It makes them less healthy.“
Listen… if ranch dressing, cheese sauce, hot sauce, or whatever sauce will get you to eat the damn veggies; then do whatcha gotta do to eat the damn veggies!
Believe me, your body is NOT gonna be like, “Aww hell, I can’t assimilate this with melted cheese on it.” You will still reap the benefits of the vegetable.
Now what you can do is try making the dip/sauce, etc. as healthy as possible OR… try weaning off of the dips, sauces or dressings by using less and less each time you eat them.
6. Eat them in stuff.
You may find that, while you don’t like certain veggies alone, you like them IN or ON something.
For example: I’m not a huge fan of bell peppers. I will NOT eat them raw and I won’t eat them stuffed, nor on the side of any dish. But I will eat them chopped and whipped up into an omelet, in spaghetti or chili, or on a pizza.
So try eating some of the vegetables hate mixed into something where they’ll be easily disguised.
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7. Try organic.
I’ve heard some swear up and down that the flavor of organic tastes better than conventional.
I do recall getting two bunches of bananas – one organic and one conventional – and yes, it did seem that the organic ones were richer in flavor. And I know for certain that veggies grown in your own garden definitely taste better.
So try organic or at very least, garden-fresh, and see if it makes a difference.
8. Blend into smoothies.
Now, let me forewarn you – IMO carrots do NOT taste good in fruit smoothies! I’ve tried multiple times and it always ends up making my smoothie taste “meaty”. Don’t ask me how or why, it just does.
But I’m speaking more so of green smoothies where vegetables such as greens (spinach, kale, parley, etc.) are blended with fruit.
Start with small amounts and overtime, work your way up to adding more.
9. Juice them!
Juicing is probably going to be one of THE best ways to get your veggies in! If you don’t have a juicer, you can use a blender – here’s how to do that.
If you don’t want a savory, “V-8 type” juice, be sure to juice the veggies along with fruit such as apples, pears, etc. to sweeten and make more palatable.
You may also want to add some lemon juice as that will cut some of the strong flavors that some vegetables produce.
And speaking of juicing, if all else fails…
10. Reset your palette.
Sometimes you just need a “reboot“. Have you ever seen the documentary, “Fat, Sick, And Nearly Dead” where the guy reversed an autoimmune disease he had AND lost a ton of weight by going on a juice fast?
When my family and I ate a raw plant-based diet, I found myself (as a result of eating mainly fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds) beginning to like many of the vegetables I hated as a kid. My tastebuds changed and were more accepting of flavors they once loathed.
So, consider doing a green smoothie or juice cleanse for about 7 days or so and see if that helps you appreciate vegetables a bit more!
In Conclusion…
Those are some ways to possibly get yourself to eat vegetables even when you hate them! Hopefully one or more of them will help you to begin eating more veggies!
If you still find yourself not eating enough of them, consider taking a daily vitamin supplement so that your body can get any nutrients that you may be missing out on.
One last thing… If you like these tips, you’re gonna LOVE my Baby Steps To Getting Healthier! You’ll get some of these tips PLUS some really great others on how to actually get your body to CRAVE healthier foods, along with other helpful hints for improving your health. Click here to get it now!
More Health-Related Resources For Picky Eaters:
How To Eat Healthier When You’re Picky