Inside: Is your colon making you sick? This article will be a first step in determining that. Plus, you’ll get some tips to help get your digestive health back in order!
From my tween to my young adult years, I suffered with chronic, pounding, tear-inducing headaches and a face generously decorated with severe acne.
I didn’t quite understand why, I just chalked it up as a normal part of life… about as “normal” as the once-a-week-IF-I-was-lucky bowel movements I used to have.
Thankfully, some years later I FINALLY caught glimmer of hope when advised to research two words: colon cleanse.
And the more I researched, a shocking realization squared off and stared me right in my pimply face.
My own body had poisoned me.

And no, this wasn’t my body’s idea of a sick, twisted, sadistic joke. Those symptoms were a cry for help.
The Arguments
There are tons of sources out there that point to an astounding “YASS!” to colon health, cleansing, and detoxifying.
However, there are also those who seem to make a living out of refuting it.
(of course 🙄 )
I’ve read quite a few articles from naysayers – the most recent being an argument against the existence of impacted feces, putrefaction and toxins in the bowel.
The skeptical author made reference to the fact that, “The colon was made to carry stool and the colon’s function IS to carry rotten debris aka feces.”
No shit, Sherlock. But it’s not a storehouse for it to just sit in there for days on end.
Other arguments I’ve heard were that the body cleanses itself and the organs take care of themselves without needing any assistance from external factors such as colon or liver cleanse products or regimens.
I agree, the colon and other organs are designed to keep things flowing & moving.
The colon and other organs can fail if constantly abused through daily lifestyle habits. When you overtax your body and organs, you’ll sometimes end up needing a little help, and that’s okay.
I don’t care what anyone says, your colon CAN get clogged up like an extremely backed up pipe – becoming a cesspool of smelly, foul, bacteria-laden nastiness!
And when that happens, nutrients don’t get absorbed, your body gets robbed of nourishment, and harmful toxins spill over into your bloodstream through something called intestinal autointoxication.
Let’s Cut The Crap
How many times a day do you have a bowel movement?
Does that number equate to or surpass the number of times you eat?
If you’re eating 3-5 times a day or more YET, you’re dumping once a week AND it’s either rock hard or tiny pebbles…
WHERE is all that poo?
I’ll tell you where it is… right inside your gut – festering, stretching & distorting your colon, and bringing the pain in the form of:
- constipation
- diarrhea
- gas/bloat
- heartburn/indigestion
- chronic headaches
- acne
- “mysterious” rashes
- foggy memory
- extreme water retention
- constant fatigue
- halitosis (bad breath) although you practice good oral hygiene
And that’s just the surface shit. It can get much worse than that.
My aunt actually died from her body poisoning itself, but she had a few other health challenges prior to her untimely death:
- renal (kidney) failure
- diabetes which led to…
- amputation of both legs and ultimately…
- a colostomy which caused toxins to enter her blood stream
This is an example of how your health can go from bad to the absolute worst if you don’t take your colon health seriously!
Your colon is one of THE most important organs in your body and directly affects your health & immunity.
Dr. Anthony Badzier – who conducted a 25-year study with 5,000 cases – says,
“…intestinal toxins are the most important primary and contributory cause of many health problems of the human body.”
Your Stool Is A Tell ‘Tail’ Sign
It’s been said that you should be eliminating about 2 to 3 times daily, depending on how much you eat – soon after you eat a meal, a previous meal should be vacating the premises.
And to that, a lot of folks come back with…
“Oh, well I go every day!”
That’s all well and fine, but merely ‘going’ may not be enough. Your STOOL may tell a different story about the health of your digestive system.
The Bristol Stool Chart (pictured to the right) classifies the feces form into seven groups. Each form changes, depending on the time it spends in the colon.
- Types 1 & 2 represent constipation which indicates a sluggish colon and food backed up in the colon.
- Your stool should resemble Type 3. It should be semi-soft/fluffy, thick, long, light in color and easy to pass, for optimum health.
- Type 4 is somewhat “okay“, but if stools are smooth and skinny, it could be an indication of a constriction in the colon that the stool had to “force” its way through or worse, a spastic colon as a result of stress.
- Types 5-7 represent forms of diarrhea.
Ways You Can Improve Your Bowel Health & Start Feeling Ahh-mazing
Improve your digestive health by implementing the following tips:
1. Limit red meat consumption and steer clear of processed meats.
According to the ACS, the risk of colon cancer increases by 15 to 20 percent if you consume 100 grams of red meat (the equivalent of a small hamburger) or 50 grams (equivalent of one hot dog) of processed meats, like sausage, bacon or hotdogs, per day.
“You can still have a little bit of red meat — about two four-ounce servings of red meat per week,” says Rasmussen. “However, it is best to limit processed meats to a special treat now and then because they have other components, such as preservatives, that may cause cancer.”
2. Ensure adequate intake of healthy fats
All of your cells, including those of your large intestine and nervous system, require a constant influx of undamaged fatty acids and cholesterol to remain fully functional. If you don’t ensure adequate intake of healthy fats, your nervous system and the smooth muscles that surround your digestive passageway – both of which are responsible for creating peristaltic waves throughout your digestive tract – may deteriorate in function.
Also, intake of healthy fats is necessary for optimal absorption of fat-soluble vitamin A, which, as mentioned above, is critical to building and maintaining the mucosal lining of your colon.
Healthy foods that are rich in healthy fats include: avocados, organic eggs, olives, extra-virgin olive oil, coconut oil, coconuts, raw nuts, raw seeds, and cold-water fish.
3. Probiotics & prebiotics
Probiotics are live bacteria or yeasts found in fermented foods that, when consumed, take up residence in the gut and improve health. Healthy sources include sauerkraut, miso, tempeh, kimchi, and water kefir.Prebiotics feed healthy bacteria. Good sources of prebiotics include Jerusalem artichokes, chicory root, raw dandelion greens, leeks, onions, garlic, asparagus, whole wheat, spinach, beans, bananas, and oats.
4. Drink H2O
Water is one of the most common and accessible ways to keep every last bit of your body happy and healthy, colon included. Drinking more water helps keep your colon clean and flush it of harmful toxins. Water also help dietary fiber pass through your body, allowing the colon to work properly.
5. Cleanse Your Colon
I had never heard of colon cleansing in any sense – herbal capsules, colonic irrigation, salt water flushes… NONE of it. I was familiar with laxatives, but not the concept of actually cleaning/cleansing one’s colon.
It wouldn’t be until somewhere around 2000-ish that I’d learn differently.
Sadly, it took my poor husband getting almost deathly ill with thyroid disease and the advice given to him by a concerned co-worker (who happened to be a Naturopath) to come into this knowledge. I’m not ecstatic about how we arrived at it, but I’m thankful we arrived at it.
The first thing I noticed when we started taking the colon cleansing herbs was that those chronic headaches became a thing of the past.
Then I noticed my face clearing up and I was beginning to have more frequent bowel movements – HALLELUJAH!
And while we’ve tried many others products AND methodologies (enemas, evasive & embarrassing colonics, and yucky gag-inducing salt water flushes) we settled on a product that, for us, has worked the best.
It even helped my sister-in-law who hadn’t ‘gone’ in… I think she said a month, if not longer. She had the bowel movement of a lifetime after taking this herbal product.
If you’d like to learn more about it click here.
All in All… Follow Your Gut Instinct
If you’re not sure whether or not paying attention to colon health and colon cleansing really work. If you’re feeling all skeptical and giving me the side eye.
At the very least give it a try for 30 days to see if there is a noticeable, beneficial difference in your health, energy levels, skin… even those crappy moods.