Okay, so last night, as I tossed and turned with stomach discomfort, gas cramps and more I thought to myself,
“Should I or shouldn’t I?
What will they think?
What will they say?
Should I be upfront and real?
Aww it’s none of their business, I ain’t sayin’ nothin’!”
Those were the thoughts that I battled with (along with the tummy pain and discomfort) on whether or not it would be a good idea to fess up about my mess up.
So, here I am, fessin’ up!
Yes, this weekend has been… interesting, to say the least.
I have indulged in foods that I have been heard preaching against and not only did I eat them, I OVER ate them!
But it was so… weird! It was like I almost couldn’t control the appetite. Like I could not be satiated. Like the more I ate, the more I wanted.
It was SO not me! If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought I was pregnant or something!
But anyway, this is to let you know that, even the “best” of us can fall back… slip up… backslide.
I ate junk on top of junk on top of junk. Do I need to mention what I ate? Well, I won’t go FULLY into detail but let’s just say it involved:
cookies, caramel corn, potato chips, candy bars – *BLECH* feeling queasy just typing and thinking about it!
Yep, I had a major binge.
So, what to do about it when you have a major binge?
The first thing is to NOT beat yourself up about it! Much like a hangover after overindulging in alcohol will kick your butt – so will your body after a food-related hangover! And you adding emotions and bad feelings to the mix will NOT help, so don’t do it!
Drink plenty of water! Drink it like it’s nobody’s business! Not soda… not juice… not Kool-Aid… WATER!
Now what I did next day was to drink water first thing in the morning when I got up. Then, I had a cup of ginger-green tea to help settle my stomach (it also helps with digestion) and after that, I took a probiotic-digestive enzyme to help my body break that stuff down as well as restore healthy bacteria to my gut to also help things out. *I’m SO sorry body…I know I did you wrong!* 🙁
Thirty minutes later I drank a green smoothie with parsley, spinach, apple, pear, pineapple and banana. Mmmm… feeling better already!
Later, more water and a shake or another smoothie… probably a shake (blended with my vitamin supplement to replenish my body with nutrients) more than likely since it’s a full meal replacement and all.
The whole point in all of this is to give my digestive system a MUCH-NEEDED rest…
…but WITHOUT starving myself. So for the most part, it’s liquids and “maybe” later on in the evening, some fruit and/or a light salad.
And then tonight, before bed, I will take my herbal colon cleanse capsule to help my body move this crap out of my body and my system.
And tomorrow, I will start with a fresh, clean slate on the road back up from my temporary fall.
Now have I messed up before this? Yes, but not as badly.
Will it happen again? I don’t know… possibly. But hopefully not!
The moral of the story IS, however; when things like this DO happen, don’t give up!
That’s the difference between dieting and making a lifestyle change.
Stuff happens but it’s not a pass to keep intentionally screwing up!
Pick up, dust off, keep it movin’!