When I was a raw fooder, aside from protein and vitamin B12, one of the BIGGEST concerns voiced by many was,
“How do I get vitamin D?“
And that’s not a concern reserved only for people who eat vegan or vegetarian diets… although it is MORE of a concern for them.
But it’s important for any and everyone to get proper amounts of vitamin D and this article will provide you with some ideas.
Before we get into those ideas and suggestions, let’s first discuss…
Why Vitamin D is such an important vitamin
**If you’d prefer to listen to this information rather than read it, click “Play” on the video below**
Vitamin D helps with bone growth as well as maintain bone health through the absorption of calcium and by providing and regulating proper levels of calcium, as well as phosphorous.
It also helps with liver and kidney health and it helps keep the immune system strong.
So, it’s kind of important not to become deficient of this vitamin!
Symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency include: muscle spasms, weakness and aches in the muscles, and bone pain.
Vitamin D Foods Sources List
Sources of vitamin D include:
- dairy products (unpasteurized from grass-fed cows has been touted as best but if not, at least organic)
- eggs (try to get them organic)
- some seafood & fatty, wild fish (tuna, salmon, oysters, and sardines)
- some organ meats such as liver
- cod liver oil and other fish oils
- vitamin D-fortified foods
But what about vitamin D foods for vegetarians & vegans?
Well, unfortunately, there aren’t many plant-based sources of vitamin D.
So, if you are vegetarian or vegan; your best bet for getting adequate amounts, aside from plenty of sunshine, are:
- fortified food and beverages such as orange juice, cereals and soy products – though I DO NOT recommend soy products (especially processed, fake meat products) unless they are fermented
- mushrooms
- supplementation
According to the Harvard School of Public Health, approximately 1 billion people around the world do not get adequate amounts of vitamin D.
Therefore, supplementation is probably a good idea for most people in addition to the above-named vitamin D foods sources list!
Liquid sunshine in a bottle?
Living out here in the state of Washington where rainy or not-so-sunny days tend to ‘outshine’ (pun intended) sunny days… not to mention the fact that I am VERY much a homebody who doesn’t go out a whole lot – I definitely need a good quality source of vitamin D.
And it just so happens that MY supplement source actually has a whopping 1000 IUs (250% of the RDA) in just one little liquid ounce!
Can you see why I call it “liquid sunshine”? 🙂
It actually contains a Vitamin D3 blend that is superior to other forms of vitamin D supplementation and since it is in liquid form, it will help you increase your vitamin D levels quickly & effectively!
If that sounds worth looking into…