Inside: If you’re disappointed that Valentus Slim Roast Coffee is NOT working for you as well as it seems to for others, don’t worry. These 4 tips can help you get the best results from your Brazilian Roast.
Ugh. It was so annoying, it was intriguing.
“Try my tasty, healthy weight loss coffee!”
That’s ALL I kept seeing my friend post on Facebook and after a while, I couldn’t take it anymore. So I did the only thing a person could do.
I asked for a sample.
She obliged and sent me two sticks of Italian Roast – the only flavor available at that time.
I couldn’t WAIT to try it! Drink yummy coffee AND trim some of the fat off of my waist? YES, please!
The verdict?
I. HATED. it.
The original Italian roast had this… “nutty” flavor that, to me, tasted like what you’d expect sweaty socks to taste like. No matter how badly I wanted to love or even like this coffee, I just couldn’t get with it. 🙁
Oh well, back to Maxwell House I guess. *shrug*
At first the coffee worked and then…
She followed up with me and I whined my plight to her. She suggested mixing it with something, so I mixed it with my regular coffee and that was MUCH better.
I placed an order, drank the coffee daily, and the results were in…
Nutty foot taste aside, that shit WORKED!
My body fat percentage started dropping and then… Valentus went and did it.
They created the Brazilian Roast flavor and huneey, it was deeee-LISH!
Enter the monkey wrench.
While I loved the flavor of Brazilian Slim Roast, my results were NOT the same. I stopped losing weight and burning fat like I was before, which really bummed me out.
“Awww man. I gotta go back to the foot-flavored stuff to keep getting results?!“
Nah… I was just using it wrong.
(More on that in a minute.)
Thirsty for inspiration, I joined a Facebook group dedicated to sharing success stories and, ironically enough, quite a few of the group members weren’t having success.
After observing the experiences of the ones who did, coupled with my own experiences; I learned a few things.
4 Tips For The Best Results With Valentus Slim Roast Coffee
As I mentioned previously, I LOVED the taste of Brazilian roast, but the results were waning… at first. It didn’t take long before I figured out what the problem was and once I corrected it, the results came back with a vengeance!

1. When To Drink SlimRoast
The corporate instructions (for the Brazilian roast) suggest to drink the coffee 30-60 minutes before a meal. Those instructions, however, do NOT specify whether that meal should be breakfast, lunch or dinner.
But most people choose to prepare and drink it first thing in the morning.
Now, I’ve heard one person (who was very successful with getting results with this coffee) recommend waiting 60 min. before eating so that the appetite suppressing ingredients can REALLY kick in.

Personally, I DO find it to be true that if I wait a little longer than 30 minutes, I am not as prone to eat a whole lot during my meal. But if you already have a small appetite, then 30 min. before a meal should suffice.
Consider the time(s) of day you need craving & appetite control the MOST and have the coffee around that time. If drinking it in the evening, I recommend no more than 3-4 hours before your bedtime, as it might boost your energy and keep you up!
2. How To Prepare Valentus Slim Roast Coffee
Depending on how strong or weak you like your coffee, use anywhere from 4 to 8 oz of hot water.
(Heat water to almost boiling, but NOT full boiling, as to not kill the nutrients and beneficial ingredients.)
The original formula (Italian) said you could use 10-14 oz. of water, however; when I used that same measurement with the Brazilian formula, I found that using 10-14 oz. of water made the coffee taste too weak (almost to the point of tasting more like tea than coffee) and did not produce the results I was accustomed to getting when I first used the original.
But once I realized that the packaging of the Brazilian version said to use 4-8 oz. of water, I used about 6 oz. and noticed that when you use less water, you get a better tasting coffee and (in my opinion) better results since it’s not so diluted.
My personal suggestion to better dissolve the coffee is to put the hot water into your cup FIRST, then add and stir in the coffee. Stir well. There still may be a small amount of undissolved settlement left at the bottom when you’re done, that is common and nothing to be alarmed about.
Now, if you prefer a cold coffee, feel free to use cold water although, the coffee may not dissolve well in cold water.
What you CAN do is stir it into a little bit (an ounce or so) of hot water, THEN add cold water.
Or… you could prepare the coffee using half the amount of hot water you normally would to make it more ‘concentrated’, then add ice and stir – kind of like how iced coffee is typically prepared.
3. What To Add Into SlimRoast
Add creamer and sweetener of choice BUT, you’ll get better results if you use something other than white, refined sugar such as: stevia, xylitol, raw honey, evaporated cane juice, etc and even those in moderation.
In terms of creamer; if you prefer dairy, I recommend using heavy whipping cream, or half and half.
For flavored creamer, I suggest using Coffee Mate Natural Bliss, as they have fewer ingredients and are a little more “natural” as compared to the regular Coffee Mate creamers AND (according to their website) they also offer almond or coconut milk creamers if you don’t do dairy.
Check your local store for availability, although you can still use regular almond, cashew, coconut, etc. ‘milks’ if you don’t want to use dairy products.
4. How Much Valentus Slim Roast To Drink
The instructions on the packaging do not specify how many times a day to drink SlimRoast (Brazilian Roast), however; the corporate website says: “For maximum weight management results, drink one SlimRoast 2 times per day.“
But many people drink just one per day and still have great success!
Find what works best for you. If one packet per day isn’t producing the desired results, try 2 packets.
Some even choose to add half a packet of SlimROAST to half a serving of their regular coffee and do two cups of that each day. Again, find the variation that works best for you.
BONUS TIP: How To Best Measure Your Slim Roast Results
The last thing in the world you need is some device constantly insisting you’re not getting results when, in fact, you are! I’m talking about none other than… the scale.
That thing has made so many people cry, cuss, and toss it clear across the room with it’s lies and deceit. I mean, it does tell “a” story, but it doesn’t tell the FULL story.
It doesn’t tell you if the number reflects fat, water retention ’cause it’s “that time” of the month and it certainly doesn’t tell you that you need to do a colon cleanse because you’re literally full of… you know.
So, I always advise my weight loss customers & clients to do a starting weigh-in and then ditch that scale.
Instead, opt for:
- how your clothing fits
- measuring with a tape measurer
- gauging your fat percentage with either a scale that has that feature or with calipers
- taking before, during, and after pics to monitor progress
Because truth be told, oftentimes you may think you’re not getting results from Valentus Slim Roast Coffee but you just have tunnel vision and only see what the scale tells you.
But if you utilize other means of measuring your success, you just may find that you’ve gotten further ahead than you thought!